
an amazing footage of a snake taken by michele...


creatures of dairy farm, enjoying their stressfree lifes....

days when its raining, how slow time pass... its been awhile since we updated the blog due to workload...


i would like to thank everyone who attended my bday celebration, it may be small but its superb... thank you so much for all the wonderful stuff given to me (from friends who attended my bday and those who cant come), a big thanks goes to huiqi for trouble of getting the gifts...


What happened in the weekend??

Somebody's birthday celebration cum gathering for some of our 'Long time no see' Classmates~~!!Happy Birthday Gabriel~~Thanks for the Drinks on behalf of all of us~~~

A celebration at Harry's Bar Suntec City~~~~

Look at how busy the BIRTHDAY boy is~~~trying to see what present he got for his birthday. I think all of us had a good time cause we haven't meet for so many weeks. Its a good opportunity to chat and update with each other, and last but not least talk cock.!~

Here are some candid shots done by PAUL CHAN~~~credits to our photographer....I'd say some nice pictures ~~

Oooooo~~what did he get????
Humongous Birthday Card handmade by LEE HWA....aka Ah tut...So touching~~:~)
Another special card from Huiqi~~~Especially written in Chinese Calligraphy to wish
him Happy Birthday. Look at Waimeng's shocked expression~while Riduan and Gab thinking...."ok...whats she writing on the paper?"Well, Gab has to learn to read some day !!

Thanks to our thirsty Huiqi for 'encouraging' Gab to learn mandarin.

While some of us just had a good time~~
checking out presents...

laughing at the others...

Drinking Beer ...

making drunken faces..

chilling out after a busy week...

and turning red slowly~~hahha

here's a memorable video of us all...

PS: need somtime to load but is worth it~~enJOy~~

ADIOS~~~hope to see you all again soon



Before: WOW~~~~~COooll..... After:~~Oh..looks familiar!!

I used to be fascinated by this kind of design. Criss crossin' of lines forming multiple triangles. I thought they are cool. Very different from the normal building facades I normally see. As this is a SALES and DESIGN centre, I suppose it has to stand out, design wise. I think they really achieve their goal to stand out compared to their surrounding buildings. However after sometime, I realize this kind of design is everywhere~~~ Its on books, buildings, landscape, furniture and even utensils..plates and bowls...Sometimes, a design style which is repeated so often, it can make people think that in order to be designer, one has to achieve or seek something like what we see at the above. IF it doesn't look anything like the above style, its not a good design. What do you think???Or the question is....How do you define/identify a good design? Something to think about...

WHAT're you looking at HUH?!!!!

NEVER see Mafia draw irrigation plan before ah HUH!!~~~ColouRRRrrrred some more~~

Why look so COOL???? all the time??????

Talking about being FOCUSED....Gab is not bad also ma~~~~~SEE... look at him thinking so hard...So serious and quiet all the time~~~~
like MAFIA ~~


the most focus person when doing work goes to (drum beats)....... MICHELE!!!!

week 5

i can say that its basically raining the whole day here... but its nice to see the rain drop when you're doing your work....

here's two amazing things we discovered in mr tan's office... you'll be amazed...

here's the biggest plant book i have ever seen with my own eyes, this book can kill someone...

here another amazing item we found, the lightest concrete block.. you gotta see it to believe it...


a re-cap of what we done last week, details for me and sections for michele...


here's a candid clip of michele, she didnt realise i'm filming her :)

4th week,

didnt post anything yesterday cause kinda pack with work...

here some photos taken on my journey to work during a rainy day yesterday...


Great food comes with a price...

As you can already see I'm quite outdated in blogging compared to Gabriel, lagging by one week! This is a video where Mr Tan brought us to try some Hokkien Mee...and YEAH~~~very nice.......and that day he told us that the Cha kueh Tiaw is also very nice so Gab and I went back to try on the second visit to the site. I think its our luck that we were having our food while one of the stalls were frying EXTREMELY spicy sambal chilli and everyone around us were like...cough~~coughcough~~~cough~~~cough!~~~while EATING~~~:)
The video I took was after I finish my food, trying to catch Gab coughing while chewing..but too bad..I was the one coughing like mad!

Working amongst nature....

Gabriel busy doing his photoshop assignment. Whenever our eyes are tired we don have to look far for a relaxing view:)

A photo of The Pinnacle under construction. Taken while we are having something to eat after site visit. Interesting to see what its like to be on a real job site where a real landscape is going to be implemented. Witnessing the 'before' landscape and I can't wait till its completed to see the 'After' landscape. The building also of course!

4th week,

its a dull and slow day, raining outside and slow music from the radio....

here some photos i took outside of the office, nature and its wonders....


4th week, time check 7pm...


4th week

i did a short draft of a proposed carpark and quote the cost for st andrew's cathedral at city hall... here some photos and images taken at the site itself...

4th week

its time for us to learn both irrigation, which is kinda interesting after knowing all the ways of doing it... now we are working on a past project which needs the use of irrigation due to the poor condition of the plants... here some photos of our process....